What is sociolinguistics?

picture by: http://pokoknyasosiolinguistik.blogspot.com/2013/04/karakteristik-sosiolinguistik.html

Language is a centre to social interaction in all societies, regardless of place and time period. There is a mutual relationship between language and social interaction: language forms social interactions and social interactions form language. The terms of sociocultural contexts and variations of language may be covered in sociolinguistics study (HS Ahmad, 2015).

Definitions of Sociolinguistics

There are several researchers or linguists give the definition of sociolinguistics in different perspective.

1.     The study of the relationship between language and society, of language variation, and of language attitudes (Spolsky in Halima, 2012).

2.     An anthropological linguistics branch that explores how language and culture are connected and how language is used in various social contexts (Bell in Halima, 2012).

3.    A study of the correlation between language and social variables such as class, age, gender and ethnicity (Hudson in Halima, 2012).

4.      The study of language's stylistic and social variance (Wardhaugh in Halima, 2012).

5.      The study of language in relation to its socio-cultural context (Van Dijk in Halima, 2012).

6.   Sociolinguistics is the study of the influence of all facets of culture on the way language is used, including societal values, perceptions and meaning (Trudgill in Halima, 2012).

7.     Sociolinguistics as the science that explores the goals and roles of language in culture (Yasemin in HS Ahmad, 2015).

In all these definitions that sociolinguistics is a discipline that connects sociology with linguistics. It is a branch of sociology and as a concept, it concerns how language use is a determinant of the linguistic requirements of a given society. The linguistic codes of any culture are acceptable for interaction (Meyerhoff, 2006).

In conclusion, sociolinguistics is a field of study that studies the use of language related to social society and culture. In sociolinguistics, the object of study is speakers, how they use language, and what factors influence them in using their language.



HS, Ahmad. (2015) SOCIOLINGUISTICS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING. MABASAN, 9(2), 66—77. 10.26499/mab.v9i2.159.

Varpe, M. G. (2017). BASIC CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 5(12), 7-12. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3093529

Halima, B. (2012). BASIC CONCEPTS IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS. UNIVERSITY OF OUARGLA – Algeria, 11(13), 11-12. Available at https://revues.univ-ouargla.dz/index.php/numero-13-2012/285-basic-concepts-in-sociolinguistics-benzoukh-halima-university-of-ouargla-algeria


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