Expression and politeness are important for communication


Expression and politeness are important for communication

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In daily activities humans use language to communicate. Dialogue is typical of many everyday interactions that function socially or informatively. In this case, this interaction serves to build a relationship between one human and another. Then, the interaction is oriented to an appropriate level of relationship and respect between those interacting.

Language has various functions, usually the speech is adapted to the social context of the speech. The language we speak to children may be different from the language we speak to adults. In addition, differences in the purpose of speech can also affect the form of language and a variety of ways.

According to Mustain (2011) that apart linguistic factors, there are non-linguistic factors that are considered to influence the communication process, namely politeness. Politeness is much more influenced by the sociocultural aspect of the speaker. According to lakoff (in Mustain, 2011) offers three principles of politeness in communication, namely:

1) Don't impose,

2) Give option, and

3) Make your receiver feel good

According to Hudson (in Mustain, 2011) that the relationship between the role of factors, age, and social stratification plays a very important role in social interactions. The role relationship factor in a social interaction is considered very important. Example, an employee must consider communicative strategies when he talks to his boss; besides that a student must consider his communicative strategy when he talks to the teacher.

In an interaction the speaker must determine what expressions are polite to use in order to maintain a relationship between the speaker and the person speaker is talking to. According to Holmes (2013) that there are several ways to categorize the function of speech, The following list has proved a useful one in sociolinguistic research:

1. Expressive utterances express the speaker’s feelings. This function serves the declaration of a speaker’s ambiance.


I’m feeling great today

No problem, it is very nice

Very lovely day 

2. Directive utterances attempt to get someone to do something. In Indonesian communication, directive function can be articulated by imperative sentences, interrogative sentences as well as declarative sentences. According to Mustain (2011) that the standard of polite utterances in requesting people to do something, somehow, is not only seen from the form of interrogatives or declaratives, but intonation, tone’ of voice, and context also determine it.


Clear the table!

Bring this bag!

Could you sit down?

3. Referential utterances provide information. Politeness in these utterances can be seen from the substance of cooperative principles quality, quantity, relation and manner. The value of politeness, in the same way, a great deal depends on intonation, tone of voice and context too.


At the third stroke it will be three o’clock precisely.

We will leave for Jakarta tomorrow at 9 a.m.

4. Metalinguistic utterances comment on language itself. The principle purpose of metalinguistic is to make sure that the addressee understands the meaning of the code which the addresser is using. In Indonesian communication, we often find metalinguistic function of speech in scientific discussion.


‘Hegemony’ is not a common word.

Poetic art is the art of writing a literary work.

Stylistics is science about language style in a literary work.

5. Poetic utterances focus on aesthetic features of language. This speech function is rarely used in daily conversation (a poem, an ear-catching motto, a rhyme)


Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

6. Phatic utterances express solidarity and empathy with others. This speech function always exists in all community, but the form is different. In other words, this expression is culturally linked.


Hi, how are you, lovely day isn’t it!

Please drop in.

Based on the explanation above, the purpose of communication is not just conveying messages, but also means maintaining social relationships. A speaker not only chooses the appropriate formulas of grammar and diction, speaker must also consider the cultural values ​​associated with the expressions speaker performs. In order to maintain social interactions, one needs to do so by understanding the principles of politeness. That is why the study of speech function and politeness in many language communities is considered important.


Holmes, J. (2013). An introduction to sociolinguistics. Routledge.

Mustain, K. (2011). SPEECH FUNCTIONS AND POLITENESS IN INDONESIAN COMMUNICATION. State Polytechnic of Malang. ISSN:2088-2025


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