Indonesian Culture: The Legend of Sisingaan

 The Legend of Sisingaan

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One time in 1812 the subang region was controlled by the English, namely J. Sharpell. And then J. sharpell sold his land to Mutinghe and skelton at that time, P and T Land (Pamanoekan Tjiasemlanden) plantation had not so mean, the plantation had not managed seriously so that the income of landlords came only from land taxes from the community which was still very rare.

Then in 1840, P and T land plantation was owned and managed by the Dutch private party namely the Hoffland family. The economy began to grow in this region, plantation was managed seriously and produced very salable commodities at that time such as tea, pepper, chocolate, and rubber. The number of people in the subang increasingly crowded because some people from other region especially from Kuningan and Majalengka determine the option to settle in subang. At that time the life of the Subang community was much better.

One time in 1911 the Subang region return being controlled by English. The situation of the community at that time was being burned by the spirit of struggle that was channeled through organizations. In 1911 there grew a struggle organization called sarekat Islam which was easily accepted by the common people at that time because they had the same background, namely Islam and the equality of fate due to the pressure of the invaders at that time. Because the P and T land did not care about political issues, P & T land to be safe escape area for political figures from other regions. At that time many of the political movements were breathing nationalism which initially moved covertly.

At the time of the subang under the rules of the Netherlands and England, the people of Subang began to be introduced with the symbol of the Dutch namely “The royal crown” and the symbol of the England namely “The lion”. Because at that time the subang area was divided into two parts, namely politically controlled by the Netherlands and economically controlled by the English.The Subang community got pressure from the Dutch and English in political, economical, social, and cultural fields. The two colonizing countries oppressed the people of Subang who were considered stupid in poor conditions. However, the people did not remain silent at that time, they did physical resistance to the Dutch and English colonialism.

One time the Subang community resisted in the form of art with the intent and purpose of insinuating Dutch and English colonialism, namely by creating sisingaan which was form of displeasure and rebellion of the Subang community towards the colonizers. By using the symbol of their country, then a child grabbing sisingaan hair was one form of expression of hatred towards the invaders.

Every art that appears has meaning and purpose that was very meaningful. A pair of sisingaan statues are the symbol of the two colonizing countries while the sisingaan rider are symbolized as a young generation who later have to be able to repel the invaders.


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