
Argumentation: Threats Reduced Agricultural Land

Threats Reduced Agricultural Land picture source: Since the industrial revolution various kinds of goods have been produced to fulfill human life using various types of machines. By using the machine the ability to produce goods becomes faster and more efficient. This has led to the opening of many industrial estates to support the increasing human needs. Due to the lack of strong government regulations in order to prevent land conversion, many agricultural lands have been converted into industrial zones. While some Indonesians earn a living engaged in agriculture. Therefore, the opening of industrial estates on agricultural land be stopped because it can threaten food security, threaten the balance of the ecosystem, and many farm workers have lost their jobs. First, the opening of industrial states on agricultural land threatens food security. That is by rea...

Indonesian Culture: The Legend of Sisingaan

 The Legend of Sisingaan picture source: One time in 181 2 the subang region was controlled by the English, namely J. Sharpell. And then J. sharpell sold his land to Mutinghe and skelton at that time, P and T Land (Pamanoekan Tjiasemlanden) plantation had not so mean, the plantation had not managed seriously so that the income of landlords came only from land taxes from the community which was still very rare. Then in 1840, P and T land plantation was owned and managed by the Dutch private party namely the Hoffland family. The economy began to grow in this region, plantation was managed seriously and produced very salable commodities at that time such as tea, pepper, chocolate, and rubber. The number of people in the subang increasingly crowded because some people from other region especially from Kuningan and Majalengka determine the option to settle in subang. At that time the life of th...

Expression and politeness are important for communication

  Expression and politeness are important for communication pict by: In daily activities humans use language to communicate. Dialogue is typical of many everyday interactions that function socially or informatively. In this case, this interaction serves to build a relationship between one human and another. Then, the interaction is oriented to an appropriate level of relationship and respect between those interacting. Language has various functions, usually the speech is adapted to the social context of the speech. The language we speak to children may be different from the language we speak to adults. In addition, differences in the purpose of speech can also affect the form of language and a variety of ways. According to Mustain (2011) that apart linguistic factors, there are non-linguistic factors that are considered to influence the communication process, namely politeness. Politeness is much more influenced by the sociocul...


  Regional Dialect: Indonesian In Ambonese Dialect pict by: According to Budiarsa (2015), Dialect is a variety of a particular language which is spoken by a group of speakers that is signaled by systematic markers such as syntactical, phonological, grammatical markers. Dialect may be in the forms of regional dialect and social dialect. Regional dialects Regional dialects are language variants used in certain regions. For example, Indonesian is the Ambon dialect, Jakarta dialect  and Medan dialect. Social dialect Social dialect is a dialect used by certain social groups or which marks certain social strata. For example, a youth dialect. However, in this discussion, the author will discuss one example of a dialect in Indonesia, namely the Ambon dialect. Indonesian in Ambonese dialect is also called by some people with Ambon Malay. The mention is because the Indonesian in Ambonese dialect comes from the Malay language fam...


Mother Tongue And Its Impacts On Social Life In Canada pict by: Canada is a country that has two official languages, namely English and French. However, the status of English and French as Canada's official languages ​​does not mean that they are widely spoken throughout the country or that every Canadian is bilingual. The fact is that most Canadians speak English. According to statistics Canada (2006) that about 60% of the Canadian population the mother tongue is English. Meanwhile, according to statistics Canada (2006) about 22% of Canadians use French as their mother tongue. The majority of the French-speaking population in Canada live in the province of Quebec. Apart from English and French, in Canada there are several other languages ​​that are largely affected by immigration, namely Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic and Aboriginal. In Canada as a whole most language shifts are towards English, in the province of Quebec both English and Frenc...


What is sociolinguistics? picture by: Language is a centre to social interaction in all societies, regardless of place and time period. There is a mutual relationship between language and social interaction: language forms social interactions and social interactions form language. The terms of sociocultural contexts and variations of language may be covered in sociolinguistics study (HS Ahmad, 2015). Definitions of Sociolinguistics There are several researchers or linguists give the definition of sociolinguistics in different perspective. 1.       The study of the relationship between language and society, of language variation, and of language attitudes (Spolsky in Halima, 2012). 2.       An anthropological linguistics branch that explores how language and culture are connected and how language is used in various social contexts (Bell in Halima, 2012). 3. ...